Stormwatcher's Retreat Logo


Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours

Sunrise = 7:20a
Sunset = 6:48p
Moon = Waxing Crescent
(Station time=11:49a on 10/05/24)
(since midnight)
(since midnight)
Temperature Outside Temeprature 58.7°F 51.6°F at 6:44a 61.7°F at 11:13a
Humidity Outside Temeprature 83% 81% at 11:15a 94% at 12:34a
Dewpoint Outside Temeprature 53.5°F 50.0°F at 5:45a 57.0°F at 10:28a
Wind Outside Temeprature ENE at 5.0 mph   16.0 mph at 5:43a
Barometer Outside Temeprature 30.187 in & Steady    
Today's Rain Outside Temeprature 0.00 in    
Wind Chill Outside Temeprature 58.7°F 47.0°F at 6:26a  
Heat Index Outside Temeprature 58.6°F   62.0°F at 10:42a
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